
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A "wee" update from the McDonald clan

I thought I might include a recent email we sent out to our prayer support team updating what is going on in the McDonald house hold as of late!

Hi everyone,

WOW is time flying by... we move in less than 2 months and there seems to still be so much to do. It has been way to long in writing this email but we have had the privilege over these past many weeks of hosting close friends (while Tim traveled to India with The Berean Way), Britany's mum and sisters and traveling to South Africa ourselves for a Nieucommunities conference. We have been very busy.

In the midst of all this Britany went back to the hospital for a day of "final" tests... at least that is what we thought. They did an ultrasound on her heart and were not happy with what they saw. They are not sure BUT seem to have found a valve in her heart that is leaking and want Britany to come back for more tests. So, on May 8th, Britany will return to the hospital for more tests on her heart (including a heart echo - which will include putting a tube down her throat). Britany is not very excited for that test but we are thankful that they have been so thorough and we feel blessed to have walked this journey with the same doctors. Our prayer is that we would have the results WELL before we are to leave. But, this has created a new set of questions as to whether we should be leaving in the midst of these tests or not? Our thoughts are no (in light of seeing the tests and treatment all the way through), but our tickets home say yes! We believe that God will provide the perfect path for us AND we will follow it. Britany was hesitant about us even writing about these tests because it feels like it never ends with us... BUT we know how much we are going to need you all and your prayers now and in the months ahead.

Another area we could sure use prayer for is with our finances. We have amazing supporters and have never gone for want... God is our provider! We will write more in our next letter (coming soon) but through a series of different and difficult circumstances we have had a significant drop (%35) in monthly support. There are many things before us (Britany's health, our family move, new ministry role, etc.) but this was not an issue we thought we were going to need to deal with. So, our prayer is that God will use this as a reminder of our total dependence on Him - a path we have walked down numerous times over these last years (like when we moved over to Scotland in the fist place). We know that our mighty God is faithful.

Thank you once again for continuing this journey with us... you all are a gift to us.

God bless you all as you live life where God as placed you,
The McDonald Clan

1 comment:

drew moser said...

praying for you and yours...