
Thursday, May 08, 2008


We have been pretty busy as of late what with Britany's medical tests, moving AND doing a little demolition at RE:hope... here is Brit's latest update!

Hey friends,

What an amazing God we serve! This day was a God given day from the moment we woke up to the Dr "unofficially" closed my case... to the peace Tim and I are feeling - It has been a God given day.

Do we understand any more about the journey God has had us on (from spots on the brain to holes in my heart)?

No, but we are filled with a renewed hope and trust in our Savior.

What now for the McDonald clan? We move forward with the saying of goodbyes and the moving of our belongings... June 4th is the day we will officially leave Glasgow! We will do our furlough (and fundraising) in Canada and Portland and then we will (God willing) settle our clan in San Diego and stop... and see how I feel after that. We have learned so much it is hard to even express it all. Though I still have the symptoms, it feels like we at least have a little closure.

We are so thankful for all your prayers... please keep praying! We still need to raise a lot of funds AND get this little herd into a new life in one peace. New position. New country. New home. New culture... so much will be new! Thank you again.

blessings on you all,
Britany and the clan

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