
Sunday, June 15, 2008

Goodbye our friends...

How do you say goodbye to 5 years of ministry, friendship, love and life?

Words fail me.

As we pulled away from the curb of our house at 70 Lauderdale Gardens in Glasgow for the last time AND said goodbye to some of our closest friends and family the lump in my throat and stomach felt like led weights. I found myself thinking... maybe it isn't too late... maybe this is all wrong... maybe we can undo everything... but then a still (but firm) small (but large) voice in my heart and mind said, "no... follow Me." What else can we do. As God leads SO we follow.

If a picture is worth a thousand words maybe these pictures (all taken within a couple weeks of our move) will say it better than I can write...

We love you all and will miss you... a part of our heart is now with you.

Grace and peace our Scottish friends.

Lead on Lord.


Scotty said...

ouch! I think it just hit me that you guys won't be there when I get home. One of my favourite parts of getting home has always been the way your kids come flying at me and wrap themselves around me... and then the hugs and prayers from you guys. I hope it's not too long till I see you soon.


Megan said...

Wow- well I am pretty speechless after that. You guys are irreplacable. Although I know God clearly called you out of Glasgow- there's a hole nonetheless. A pretty big one. I know there is in our lives w/out you guys. We talk about you guys so much around here- I hope the momentum of stateside excitement is flowing and that you're being blessed ABUNDANTLY by your fam. WE LOVE YOU

Megan said...

Hey Tim! Can you please send me the address of where you guys will be during Brit's bday? My email is Thanks!