
Friday, January 15, 2010

looking backward & forward

Isaiah 26:3-4
You keep him in perfect peace
whose mind is stayed on you,
because he trusts in you.
Trust in the LORD forever,
for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock.
Can you believe that it is 2010?

I remember thinking as a kid about how weird it would be to live in the year 2000 and now here we are... 10 years in! So much has happened this last year that it would be impossible (and exhausting) to recount it here - BUT there are noteworthy blessed moments that must be remembered with much thanksgiving.

- After 8 years, this spring we transitioned from our nieucommunities family to begin working with The Berean Way. We praise God for the friends and experiences that we were gifted by nieucommunities and are thankful for their great work.

- After 8 years, this fall we moved back to Portland Oregon. It has been great reconnecting with friends and family as well as seeking out new relationships and ministry.

- The kids started into their third school in three years... one they will (God willing) be settled in for the next season. They love their new school and have begun to really flourish.

- After 10 years, I started back (very part-time) at Western Seminary. I have felt God leading me for many years that it was time to continue my education. As I have found myself doing more discipleship and teaching as of late it has been exciting for me to be in an academic sphere.

- This Fall we were extremely blessed to have Sam Apollos and his family come to Portland for several weeks. It was an amazing blessing to have him here, to talk about the future in India and spend time getting to know them all better.

- After being gone from Glasgow for almost a year and a half Britany and I were able to return for some training and reconnecting... it was fantastic to be able to see our friends and RE:hope.

So what of 2010?

What an amazing year we have ahead of us... starting this February with my first trip back to India in a while. We have been planning, writing/translating material and fundraising for our next trip to the northern boarder of India. We will be doing three different training events for the barefoot pastors there (one of which will actually be in Nepal)... please be praying for money for the events and my visa!!

Beyond that we have plans for travel to Canada in March, Israel in May, Malaysia in July, Uganda in September and back to India in October... we would appreciate your prayers as we navigate all these trips!

Pray also for all the AMAZING opportunities God is opening up here in Portland. We have been so humbled and thankful for the doors that are opening up here. Pray specifically for two different equipping tracks that I am developing/teaching here for our teams and a handful of churches in the area. One is for those going on short-term mission experiences and the other is for those wanting to grow in their discipleship and disciple making. These are things that I have almost stumbled into but am excited to be a part of... God is using SO much of these last years for His work here and around the world.

Finally, would you join us in this prayer... this commissioning - that our minds would stay on our Lord, that we would not be distracted by issues of money, fear or doubt and that all of us would find our perfect peace in trusting in our everlasting ROCK.

Amen Lord. Amen.

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