
Monday, May 03, 2010

April/May Update + India!

Hey everyone!

To say that the past couple months have been crazy would be a complete understatement! Between traveling to India, having a house fire, living out of suitcases (while moving from house to hotel to apartment to house again), traveling to Canada, "re" moving back into our house (we are still in boxes), writing finals, Hallie's tonsillectomy and preparing to leave to Israel in 2 weeks, there has hardly been time to think... thank you for your patience (and prayers) as we get our feet under ourselves again!

This past weekend The Berean Way held it's first annual silent auction to raise money to reach and train barefoot pastors in the most unreached areas of Northern India. It was an amazing event that exceeded expectations. The evening was filled with bidding, laughter and fellowship while Jeff was able to communicate the need and vision for India. Britany was even able to dress up in a sari as she acted as one of the hostesses for the evening... it was a lot of fun AND its impact will be felt in India in the days ahead.

Just a couple of weeks ago we were able to move back into our house... it has been SO good to be back home. For those who may have missed the story or the specific updates on our house fire they are posted on our blog HERE. Our house looks amazing... we are so thankful to the Jeff and Brian Bohrer at Cornerstone Construction for going way beyond the call of duty and doing it so quickly. It feels good to be back in our neighborhood and we are looking forward to how God is going to use this experience and this house for His glory!

Just over a month ago Brit the kids and I packed up our van and headed up to Canada for a solid week of connecting with the Lethbridge Evangelical Free Church (the supporting church we grew up in), supporters, friends and family... it was 1600mile whirlwind! We had a very good time reconnecting with our supporters and telling them about our vision and direction. We left very excited about future partnerships and old friendships. It is always a joy to be home.

It feels like our trip to India was ages ago. Though I know most of you kept up with our trip on the Berean Way BLOG (if you didn't I would encourage you to look) I wanted to let you know what an impact full time it was. The conference times were fantastic but the spiritual warfare was intense. God had us in the enemies domain yet we experienced His power, strength and support every step of the way. As one of the local Indian missionary/pastors explained, "when I was in South India I saw myself as standing at the gates of hell, breaking down the doors, running in and rescuing the lost and hurting... now that I live in North India I see my self as having moved into hell, grabbing as many as I can and pushing them out the gates." Another pastor told us that we were the first to do any sort of training in the area and that they couldn't even get other Indians to come to their area... it is a very dark place.


God is doing amazing things! Men, women, children turning to Himself, the fountain of living water for LIFE. God has amazing things for India in a time when the doors have never been so open. Truly the harvest is ready and the work is great... THANK YOU for you part in making this ministry happen. Your prayers, financial support and encouragement have been so appreciated. May God bless you as you have been a blessing to us!

grace and peace friends,

1 comment:

Kristine said...

Hi guys!
I'm so happy to see you are getting back into the swing of "normal" life, whatever that may be!
I must commend you on your work in India! I was recently in North India doing some volunteer work for shelter and street animals (in Amedabad) and I was absolutely shocked at the un-Christian/ un-Godliness of the city (and I wasn't even there on a missions trip!) Seeing churches surrounded by razor wire for safety simply broke my heart! Thank you for having the courage and following your calling to help the people of that area hear the truth and know the blessings that God has to offer.
Bless you and your family!
Kristine (in Glasgow)