
Thursday, January 17, 2008

To Mckenzie… and Duncan, Hallie and Celtin

Galatians 4:6-7
And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!" So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.
I wasn't the only person in the family to get books for Christmas. My daughter McKenzie was given a very unique children's Bible (thanks mum and dad) called, God's Little Princess Devotional Bible, by Sheila Walsh. She LOVES it! Yesterday, as we were walking, McKenzie asked me a question of dear importance to her... "Daddy", she said, "am I a princess?" I thought for a bit, mostly because I new why she was asking the question (the book has left quite an impression), and said, "yes, you are my princess... but more importantly you are God's princess." I know, I know... pretty sappy, but as I was saying those last words my eyes actually welled up (a little... dust I think).

It got me thinking.

And as I reflected out came this poem.
p.s. for those unfamiliar with the colors... they are personality types.

To Mckenzie… and Duncan, Hallie and Celtin

A princess you are, as you’ve said it is so
And this call you will live wherever you go.
In the good and the bad, for better or worse
A life under The King is far from a curse.

Whether princess or prince, my prayers for you are
To follow our King and follow Him far…
As He’s made you to be, unique with each trip
I pray you will follow Him as His workmanship.

For McKenzie your heart creative and true,
Filled with a love full of passion - it’s "blue"!
Will take you on journey’s both bumpy and wide
But go you will with your King by your side

He is wonderful and beautiful… He is love it is true
And all of this He is in His love for you.

For Duncan your soul, a friend to the last,
A passion for God came all so fast.
A heart for people, a heart for your King
As "yellow" as they come with gifts you will bring.

He is peace, He is life, a friend, our King too
And all of this He is in His love for you.

For Hallie your mind quick, wild and alive
Moving with courage, fire and drive
Gates will come down with the thoughts of Your head
Your Kings fight will lead you for you are "red".

He is good, He is just and fights for what’s true
And all of this He is in His love for you.

And finally for Celtin your strength it will stand
On Rock, Stone and mortar… no, not on sand.
Built with all care, truth handled with "green"
In front of this world for your King you’ll be seen.

He is righteous and holy, faithful thru and thru
And all of this He is in His love for you.

So our dear children, our gifts for a while
Pursue God wholeheartedly in your own style.
With heart, soul, mind, strength… never give up!
Stand at the ready until we do sup…
With the King of creation, His Spirit and Son.
That day we’ll be brothers and sisters – what fun!
Heirs of the King together we’ll stand
Forever His friends walking full hand in hand.

So, stand strong with Christ, eyes focused on Him
Authored, perfected, forgiven… for Him!!


timothy mark mcdonald

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow, you got one of each colour! each one is sooo beautiful and i love that you look on your kids as kids who'll one day be jus as much a parent or individual or husband, or wife, or worshipper... as you are- you see their personality and appreciate them not just as your kids but as God's creation!
i think they'll want to keep this poem for all of life!