
Monday, February 04, 2008

for Him (2)

2 Corinthians 5:15
…he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised.
"for him"… it is like the words are tucked in between all these big complicated theological and philosophical ideas and yet… they are so simple. So complete. So concrete.

Two Words:

For… intended FOR… used FOR… designated FOR… meant FOR…

Him… Jesus!

He died for us, not just to save us from ourselves, not just to get us into heaven and not even just to empower us to make the world a better place! No, above and beyond all these things, He died that we might live FOR HIM.

In a previous post I asked the question that John Piper posed in his book about being in a heaven without God... maybe the better question for us is; who do we believe we are living this life for right now? Is it for us? Is it for our loved ones? Is it for some amazing cause; world peace, climate change... personal comfort? It isn't that these things are all bad (though we definitely have some of them WAY out of whack) – no, I think these things/relationships ARE life… they are what we mean by living. The question I find myself asking is; what am I doing with them? Am I hoarding them for my own personal glory and gain (and what these things/relationships can do/get for me)? OR am I living and loving for the sake of One who deserves them more than any other… am I living and loving for the One who did not let death stop Him from purchasing our true freedom. Does my life point, like a clearly marked path, in one direction… to One person… One Savior.

I pray that it does.

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