
Monday, September 15, 2008

"I am ready!"

Matthew 10:13-15
And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, "Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it."
No matter what you think about children becoming Christians or even what the process of becoming a follower of Jesus actually looks like, there is something deep inside that erupts (for a lack of a better word) when your child looks you in the eyes and says, "I am ready!"

Friday morning during our family devotional time we had one of those moments.

McKenzie (completely out of the blue) simply said, "I am ready!" Having walked through this before with the boys I was a little more prepared BUT I still found my eyes watering and my thoughts scattered. After we were done the devotional I talked with her about what she meant by that and she said she was ready to listen to Jesus and follow Him... so we all prayed with her and she asked Him to be her Lord (or boss) and said that she wanted to obey what He said. She said that she was sorry for all the bad things she had done and she thanked Him for paying the price for and forgiving those things. It was a very precious time. We have talked about it a number of times as a family and yet she has never shown any interest till today... today it clicked!

Now, I do have a little skeptic sitting on my shoulder nay saying... can a child really understand... is this because her brothers did it (same skeptic was there with them as well)... is she trying to impress Britany and I... BUT, for the most part, this skeptics voice is drowned out by another voice. It is the voice of scripture that paints a picture of a God who shames the wise by using the foolish... who calls those who follow Him His children... who tells us to come to Him the way of the child... who calls the children to Himself. And I find myself wanting to say McKenzie's words to my Father in heaven...

"I am ready!"


Jenny Jack said...

welcome to the big ole family McKenzie! I'm so glad we get to be together forever:-).

Unknown said...

it took me a while to get over here to red this, but thanks for sharing, and what a story... those three words will stick with me and challenge ME!! as JJ says 'forever'... so much pleased to hear a story of ''Grace''