
Tuesday, October 07, 2008

housing saga

For those of you keeping up with our housing saga... I thought I might include Britany's latest update!

Hey everyone,

Well, yesterday we finally got some amazing news... they accepted our offer!!!!!!!!! Yesterday morning our Realtor called and said that they had another offer and that the other offer on the table was greater than ours. She asked the inevitable question... "did we want to raise ours?" After a quick prayer (and some quick math) we said yes and then waited. Well, about 1 hour later she called and told us that they had chosen us AND at our LOWER offer, AMEN! Both Tim and I were a bit emotional because it finally feels like we can really put down some permanent roots (God willing... as aliens and strangers). It is so much better of a deal and in better shape than the last offer we had in. It is still a BIG fixer upper and a lot needs to be done before we can move in - but we LOVE it! We have an inspection on thursday to make sure all is well with the house, please send up some prayers for that inspection (mostly that they will find the house in good order).

This house is significant for us for a few reasons. First, it moves us closer to the school and closer to many of the families at the school that we have begun to build relationships with (we have already had opportunities to share our faith). Second, it will bring our monthly amount spent on rent WAY down and put us back into a financially stable position (all the while actually BUYING something). Third, it will give us a place to finally unpack all of our boxes with space for everything... praise God!

Well, we have a peace that surpasses so much of our understanding as we look over the past 5 months of surrendering this area to the Lord. He has been incredibly faithful as He has led us the whole way. He saved us from many other properties to prepare us for this one (God willing). I'm so thankful we have a God that looks at all the details, small or big. We can't thank you all enough for your never ending prayers for us. You have stood with us along this entire journey of leaving a home we loved to finding a place for this family to settle.

Many blessings to you all and with thankful hearts,
the McDonald clan


Megan said...

Tomorrow's the inspection then, eh (like my added Canadian accent?)? Can't WAIT to hear. We love you guys!

Unknown said...

Hey Tim,

that's great news. We miss you guys loads...

God bless,

Unknown said...

So I'm presuming that this was the official house you guys got to buy. It looks just fantastic and tons better than the one you showed us in the summer at our house. The outside is totally charming and the landscaping looks cute too.
I'm so happy that God found you a great one. How are the fix ups going? Or maybe we're still just dreaming about what will happen eventually. Either way - I'm so glad you're all settled.