
Thursday, October 23, 2008

roller coaster

It's been an interesting few weeks. Here our latest update...

To our supporters, friends and family,

What a roller coaster this last week has been. In the midst of the financial "meltdown" on Wall Street we have been in a emotional and financial tug-of-war with the sellers of the home and the company giving the loan (the two companies are connected). Depending on what hour of which day we either had the house and were moving forward or were never going to be able to get it... Thursday night we were called by the mortgage guy saying that he might be able to lend us the mortgage after all because the foundation was not as bad as we had originally thought. He was going to go to his boss and give it a try and let us know today whether they would take us. Well, in the midst of this, we began processing what the bottom line had become for us financially over these last days. With the Canadian dollar now so low we have lost 15% of our monthly support in 9 days and then lost thousands of dollars bringing our deposit across to the US from Canada. What this meant was that we were no longer in the financial condition we had started the process AND as we processed that we came to the realization that God wanted us to pull out of the house! We have asked God to lead us through this whole deal and I think that is the hardest part about it. At times it has felt like the doors were closing and then all of a sudden the door would open in amazing ways.

I (Britany) think we are dealing with a whole lot more than just losing a house offer. When I was writing in my journal this morning I realized that it had become TOO important to me that I settle me and this family ~ I think God has wanted me to surrender settling to Him. I think that it is all mixed with culture shock, moving back to the US, Tim learning a new job role, relearning how to do community and trying to find a home. We have come through the last 2 years and realized we are different people. We have grown, matured and also have to relearn who we are. God has been faithful and to be really honest I know that He has spared us from something.

I (Tim) have realized just how focused I had become on getting into a house. Partially I think I was looking for some of those settling pieces like Brit but also I think I was hoping it would solve some of our financial situation. I had begun to look to this house (or any house) as an answer to the big question of "what do we do now?" I believe God provides... I have said it before AND I believe it BUT it is always tricky to find that balance between doing all we can to make up for lost support AND waiting on His provision.

So this is where we are...

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