
Thursday, December 06, 2007

Awaken us (2)

Romans 12:9-13
Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.
I love this passage from Romans. It represents an almost "how-to" ish glimpse into what the essence of Kingdom Christianity looks like.

First... love each other genuinely.
Second... hate things that are evil.
Third... when you find something truly good, hold onto it with all your strength.
Forth... love each other with devotion; like a family of brothers and sisters.
Fifth... outdo one another in serving each other.
Sixth... live ablaze with passion for Jesus that fuels service for our King.
Seventh... rejoice because of the hope we have.
Eighth... be patient when you suffer.
Ninth... pray, pray... and pray some more.
Tenth... give generously of your resources, time and life.

A while back I was reading J. Oswald Sanders classic book, Spiritual Leadership - for the third time - and I came across a quote in regards to Romans 12.
"Because he was constantly full of the Spirit, Paul's mind was aflame with the truth of God and his heart glowed with God's love. At the center of his life was a passion for the glory of God. No wonder people followed Paul. He exerted himself to lead. He did it with intensity and zeal. And the spirit of his life was contagious to those around him."
Yes, yes, yes!

I love the fact that this passion (or zeal) is in the center of these verses... like a fire burning in the middle of everything else. I find it so difficult to live this life daily with out this fire. It acts like a furnace for my mind... for my body... for my soul. It awakens the yearning for what could be. It pushes me to do things that seem impossible. It gets me out of my own brain and gets me focused on my neighbors and my brothers and sisters. It calls me to give what I do not have and fall on my face and thank God for what I do... it generates a heart that WANTS to lay down my rights, my possessions, and my life... in other words, it does what is impossible for man.

Awaken this heart Lord to Your love. Awaken my mind to more of Your truth. Keep me FULL with Your Spirit. Fully AWAKE. Fully ALIVE. Let me be contagious to those around me... but most of all show us Your glory Lord. We desire to follow with all that we are... heart, soul, mind, and strength. Amen.


Megan said...

Hey Tim! It was funny...Jason was reading the comments people had written on something I have no clue what it's called- like a professional christian thing online of some sort? Anyway, almost EVERYone had "passion" in the first sentence. What a cool thing to be known for!

Rob Yackley said...

Makes we want to memorize and chew on that passage!