
Monday, December 17, 2007

Generosity in the moment... and for a lifetime.

Acts 20:35
...remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'
Yesterday was a very cool day.

Two very significant things happened.

First, after our Sunday am gathering at RE:hope, about 12-15 of us went out in groups of 2 & 3 and (as a community) gave Christmas cards away with £20 notes in side. It was a simple experience... "Merry Christmas, what's your name... my name is... This is a gift from Jesus. God bless." Now, this wasn't the first time that we had done this but it was the first time I had done it with my boys. My group of three was made up of Duncan, Celtin and myself. But, what made this time so significant was... THEY prayed over who should receive it, THEY picked the people who we were going to approach and THEY did all the talking (well, most of the talking)! It was awesome... in an unpredictable 6 & 7 year old sort of way. As we were chatting with one of the homeless magazine salesmen (check out Big Issue), Duncan mentioned that the gift inside was from Jesus... the guy looked me in the eyes. To be honest, I wasn't sure what to expect. In the past I have met some great guys... and some not so great (they have had a rough life)... but this guys eyes were moist. A Christmas gift from my little boy. All of a sudden Celtin piped in at the top of his voice, "it's got £20's in it!" He just smiled and said, "I think that was supposed to be a surprise." And the three of them had a conversation about whether they had been good this year for Santa... my kids are great missionaries.

The second thing that happened actually preceded this time of wandering when my son Duncan gave his first gift out of "his own" money to RE:hope. He has recently started receiving a meager chore allowance of £2 a week. After I handed him his hard earned money I asked him how much he wanted to give back to Jesus as an offering... a thank you. Without even a flinch or a second thought he said £1! 50%! I can't tell you how proud I am of him. It got me thinking... imagine if he decided at this moment to give 50% of all that he received for as long as God gave him breath... imagine the lives touched... imagine the impact of a life lived simply and generously in this materialistic world.

God, bless his generosity... his "widows mite". Multiply it. Make in him and his brother and sisters hearts that believe in radical giving... proving with their lives that You can be trusted to provide for all things. Make us all living examples of Your radical and ridiculous generosity. We believe Lord... help us in our unbelief. Amen.


drew moser said...

this is awesome. a great example for our kids to follow. tell your boys how cool they are!

Anonymous said...

a good example or sons and a great example of a father... thanks for the details, you guys have inspired!


WorshipersHeart said...


Much blessing to you and your family. Really enjoyed reading this .... really encouraging... keep on bragging about your kids!!! Have a very wonderful Christmas and may the blessings flow!

Anonymous said...

First time reading your blog, what a blessing that you are to others! Just as Jesus showed the face of God so do your sons show the face of their Father, both heavenly and earthly. God Bless your family this Christmas you are deeply loved
Becky Mills

Rob Yackley said...

Tim, that is godly mentoring in the truest and best sense of the word. And I can just hear Celtin shouting at the guy like I was standing right there next to him. :-)