
Friday, December 28, 2007


Isaiah 53:10
Yet it was the will of the LORD to crush him...
As I sit on the other side of Christmas day and just before the New Year, I find myself reflecting on this past year and looking to the next. To be sure, there is a lot to reflect on. And though I often find myself wrestling over mistakes and successes of the past year or possibilities of the next, this year feels different, this year I find myself reflecting increasingly on Jesus and His cross. It is an interesting time to be focusing on the crucifixion in light of the Christmas carols still playing over our iPod... but nonetheless here I sit.

I think that I am beginning to learn just how essential it is that we allow ourselves these moments of reflection on the great gift of Jesus AS we reflect on our own lives, successes, failures and futures. Reflecting with this set of eyes seems to change all of our perspectives.
On this note, I would encourage you to allow your mind to linger a little longer on Jesus before you begin the process of creating "resolutions"... start with the manger... move towards the cross... and see what is left after you focus your eyes on the life of the Lord that we follow. As you reflect this season check out this recent post at Desiring God from John Piper's book The Pleasures of God. It includes a powerful parable found at the end of one of the chapters in his great book.

Lord lead us on into deeper waters as we follow Your life... Your lead. Further on Lord... further up... take us to where You are that we might see all that we are through Your birth, Your life, Your death and Your eternal radiant light. Amen.

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