
Tuesday, March 03, 2009

blessed to bless...

Genesis 28:14
...and in you and your offspring shall all the families of the earth be blessed.
As I was reading through this promise made to Jacob (and those before him) in Genesis 28 I was struck by the idea of being a family that blesses families. Yeah, I know this promise was for the nation that would become Israel but I couldn't help but see the reality of their circumstance and the opportunity that lay before them... an opportunity that Christ holds before us everyday.

In Titus 2 we see this shocking statement... really more of a calling... an opportunity to be a people of blessing - "...a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works." I wonder what would happen if we all embraced this calling to be a blessing?

I am a VERY blessed man.

I have four children who are amazing... who often know how to love people better than me. They are not perfect but in their eyes I see God's love on a regular basis.

I also have an amazing wife who knows how to make people feel comfortable, cared for and loved while asking the tough questions without flinching. She is the love of my life and God's greatest earthly gift to me.

So I ask myself how are we, the McDonald family, moving more wholeheartedly towards this calling of being a family of blessing? How am I to move from blessed to a being a blessing... zealous for good works?

Lord lead us on. We desire to be Your family that blesses all the families of the earth... that is zealous for good works. Anytime. Anyplace. Any cost. Amen.

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