
Monday, March 09, 2009

in Mexico

This weekend our community spent a few days "south of the boarder" at a home in a small village called Porvenir. It was a beautiful area with rocky mountains and long valleys. The village was simple... filled with dusty roads and shacks... and awesome taco stands! It was a time for us as a community to hear each others stories and share symbol time-lines.

For those of you who are wondering, a symbol time-line is a pictorial version of your life... your great moments and your hardest moments... your successes and your failures. It helps you identify God's hand in your life experiences and gain a clearer picture of where God is leading you. It is a great tool for hearing others stories BUT it is also a great tool for remembering who you are. If you have never sat down and thought through your story AND put it to paper... I strongly encourage you to do it!

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